

Hi! My name is Charlie and I am the most beautiful, sweet, smart, and friendly Golden in the world, at least that’s what my human says! I don’t remember much about my life in Turkey, but I do know I sure like it a whole lot better where I live now, even if we do have three cats. Those cats try to lick my face, but mostly they try to play with my tail while I pretend they don’t exist.

I like running in the yard, going for rides in the car, and going to the beach! I really like running in the water right along the shore or kind of wallowing in the shallow water. I also like to chase seagulls.

At home, my human mom feeds me and the cats at 5:00. She is a little old, so I am very careful not to bump into her while she gets my dinner ready. I sit and wait tell she says “good boy, Charlie!”
I have a big thick bed I really like. Sometimes I have to race one of the cats for it but that’s okay, I can share. My human says I am the “best dog ever” and that waiting for me was worth every second. I am so glad I chose her!