

Here is a picture is of our adopted Golden Retriever, Nora! We became her “forever family” in March of 2014 after meeting foster parents David and Nancy L.

Nora has a sister Brittany (Black Lab) who is the same age (7 years old)  but is definitely the “older, protective sister” of her! They love to go for very long walks/jogs, roughhouse in the house and then cuddle on the bed together at night.

We were worried that Nora may have some trouble adjusting to her new home but the minute she walked into our house, she jumped up on the couch and claimed her spot!

As you can see, Nora is a natural in front of the camera – she gets a “puppy cut” every Spring so she can stay cool through the hot “dog days” of summer.  We love her very much and can not image life without her – Thank you GLGRR! –Barbara B.