New Foster Intake Sheet

New Foster Intake Sheet

New Foster Intake Sheet

This form must be completed in one sitting, otherwise you will have to start over. Please import the information you got from the vet check into this form when you are ready to complete it. We recommend completing this form while conversing with the applicant, but it can be completed once the conversation(s) are complete, as long as you take detailed notes. Almost all of the questions are required on the form, so you will not be able to submit it until they are answered. This form will be sent to you upon completion. If you approve the applicant to become a foster, please forward your copy of this form to Wendy & Allie when the applicant is ready to be put on our directory and begin fostering.


GLGRR requires that all past and current dogs have routine vet visits, are spayed or neutered, kept up-to-date on their rabies and DHLPP vaccinations, heartworm tested annually, and kept on heartworm preventative at least 6 months of the year. Titer test are supported and recommend to prevent over vaccination. Research shows that a DHLPP can last 7-10 years.
Exceptions can be made if there is a medical condition and the vet recommends not spaying or neutering. This should be confirmed by the vet clinic.


GLGRR does not require a fenced in yard to foster, however, we do not approve of free roam, 24/7 dog door access, dogs being kept tied out, kept in a run, outdoor kennel or outside with no supervision.
While we allow Invisible Fence, please ask the applicant about how to handle and prevent power/battery failures, temptations from outside the fence, etc. Invisible Fences also do not protect the dog from outside influences coming into the yard. Discuss these dangers with the applicant.


The majority of our Goldens come from backgrounds where they were left to make their own rules. Please discuss with applicants that they are more than likely not going to get a perfectly trained Golden. Our fosters start the training process, but the applicant must continue it.

Short Answer Questions

Please ask and discuss the following questions throughout your conversation with the applicant. Jot down your notes as thoroughly as possible.


Current Dogs

Dog Behaviors/Deal Breakers

Ideal Foster Golden


Please complete this section after talking with the applicant and reviewing the information.